2016 Year in Review
If 2015 marked the original diagnosis from James Chung as he laid out the four fundamental challenges [https://thechungreport.com/the-four-challenges/] Wichita faces, 2016 marked...
In Focus: Britten Kuckelman
These are the stories of those pushing toward a better Wichita. You may know some, others you won't. Either way, these people deserve...
Power Breakfast: Longwell & Etter
Watch as Wichita mayor Jeff Longwell talks through key issues, including government transparency, over breakfast with Seth Etter, an organizer for DevICT and Open Wichita....
In Focus: Noreen Carrocci
These are people pushing toward a better Wichita. You may know some, others you won't. But these are who you should be paying...
Where are they going?
One of Wichita's biggest exports is talent. To find out where they're going, we dug into the alumni data at the city's major four-year universities....