Exploring Wichita's Culture & Cuisine
Food is the intersection of culture, entertainment and the simple, human need to find nourishment. So what does Wichita's collection of cuisine say about us?...
The Future of Media in Wichita
Wichita's news media ecosystem has been weakened by shifting consumption habits, a loss of advertising revenue and online sources. What's next for the fourth estate?...
Why Open Streets Matters
When Wichita put on its first Open Streets event in 2017, it changed our city's perception of neighborhoods and likely strengthened the bonds between neighbors....
Startup Diaries: Where Are They Now?
Join Spencer Steinert and Jared Goering, founders of Vytal, as they talk through everything that has happened since the end of their Startup Diaries entries....
Embracing Wichita's LGBTQ+ Community
How can we, as a city, ensure a future where everyone — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity — is respected and embraced with open arms?...